Monday, April 25, 2011

This is not an excuse for my lack of blogging

As much as I love to write about all the amazing experiences I've had studying abroad, keeping up with a blog is quite difficult. I like to take my time uploading pictures and writing about my adventures in the most descriptive way possible, but that takes time. And although, an hour or so isn't that long, time seems a lot more precious here. I need to cherish every moment I have here because besides this time abroad, I rarely get to travel. Exploring Southeast Asia is so much cheaper from Hong Kong than it is from the States (well, obviously), which is the only reason I can afford it in the first place. I know I'm going to be hella broke when I get home, but that's okay. It's been wonderful and I need to take the 37 days remaining and squeeze everything I can out of my time.

Back home, life is routine for the most part and I can predict how a week will go by. Time is marked by the dates of examinations, each one a marker for how much time remains until the end of another grueling semester of civil engineering courses. I can waste an hour, even a day, here and there at home. If I do that here, I will never get that time back. Time is of the essence!

Little things amuse me. Having said that, words cannot describe how amazing study abroad has been thus far. The city scape of Hong Kong is pleasantly daunting and the tropics are equally mesmerizing. Before study abroad, I had never been out of the United States. Traveling has been so much fun! It takes more than a destination, though to make an experience amazing. I have had the pleasure of traveling with a great group of people on every single trip. The Philippines, Shanghai, Huangshan, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Shenzhen, and all around Hong Kong. I can take a fifteen minute boat ride from campus and arrive at a gorgeous beach. Fifteen minutes! You can see the University from the beach. I'm running out of adjectives to describe things because everything I see is amazing/wonderful/mesmerizing/stunning. I am wowed.

I also have to mention the people I have met here. I've bonded so well with some of exchange students here and I know those friendships will go on even after exchange is over. Without them, I would not be having such a great time! If you are reading this guys, thank you :)

Time does not seem to pass normally here. The clock doesn't tick, it races. I can't believe how little time I have left before I board my Delta flight back to Ronald Reagan National Airport. I wish I had that watch from The Clockstoppers. That would be super handy right now.

Excuse my overuse of the word time and excuse the long rant about how I want to prolong it. I will blog about my trips, soon! Until then, pictures shall be on facebook. Also, here is one from the Philippines!