Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Giant Buddha!

I know, I know. I haven't updated as often as I said I would, haha you all were right about that.

But, I'm back! So, I spent the last Friday and Saturday with my family here in Hong Kong. Those two days were jam-packed with errands and sightseeing. On Friday, we went to see the Giant Buddha in Ngo Ping Village. The bronze statue was gigantic-enormous (I was going for gi-normous, but it looked ugly spelled out)!

Ngo Ping Village is pretty highly elevated. The views from atop the mountain were absolutely gorgeous, take a look:

To get to the buddha statue, we strolled down a walkway guarded by 12 stone soldiers called the 12 Divine Generals. Each general represented a different animal from the Chinese zodiac. After that, it was time to ascend up the path to the famous statue! Having not worked out since Halloween, the climb up those stairs was a bit tiring!

The view from the top of the stairs, looking back down at the village.

These are statues of women (or goddesses, not sure though) giving offerings to the Buddha. There were six in total offering things such as peaches, gold, candles, etc. Intricate details were carved into the statue stone to individualize each one.
I had to include another picture of my little cousin. She's so adorable, I miss her already!

The ended with a fresh, hot bowl of "dou foo fa" which was apparently made with water from the mountain springs, though I'm not too sure that was true. It was delicious, though. It is made of super soft tofu and ginger syrup. yum :)


  1. finally! jk jk. i love these pictures of the buddha, soooo big. reminds me of the buddha from afghanistan

    once again another great entry!

