Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Friendship- the longest entry ever (but worth reading, I promise)

I am a believer of mutual efforts.

As my time abroad is coming to an end, I can't help but feel upset. In all honesty, these past few months have been the most exciting, stress-free (as stress-free as I'll ever get, rather) times of my life. I wish life was always this easy- going on trip after trip to tropical, dream-like places which, at times, do not even seem real.

Going to Hong Kong for exchange was a very spontaneous, last-minute decision for me. Engineering students at U.Va very rarely go on exchange because our schedules are so rigid. A close friend of mine told me she was going to Peru to study abroad next semester and having never been abroad anywhere, I looked into my options. I decided I would try to study abroad during the winter or summer sessions of school so as not to miss any full semesters. I figured the perfect place to go was Hong Kong. I worried that I would get homesick, so at least in Hong Kong, I would have the comfort of being able to communicate with locals (which only sort of worked out with my severely broken Cantonese and the attitudes of locals here). After speaking with the International Students Office, my advisor told me there were unfortunately no exchanges during the winter and summer sessions, but told me to consider doing an entire semester. At that point I was thinking,wow, an entire semester. There is no way. Luckily, I was a semester ahead and was able to fit it into my schedule (though, fourth year will be a little more difficult now). At the time though, even knowing it would work with my schedule, I was leaning towards not going. I was worried about things that now seem so trivial. I didn't want to miss an entire semester at U.Va in fear of missing out on inside jokes and things like that with my friends that would inevitably pile up after 4+ months of being away. I worried that when I returned, things wouldn't be the same and I would be less close with them. I worried that I wouldn't learn the same things in my courses here and end the trend of my rising GPA. Finally though, I decided I would not have another opportunity like this in my life and despite my many concerns, I had to take advantage of it. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and out of the United States, I went.

It was, hands down, the BEST decision I have ever made. I am so surprised by how quickly I got to know so many people here. Everyone was so friendly and open and although my time spent getting to know them was much shorter than a lot of my friends back home, I felt such strong connections with so many of them. Now, time for the shout out section of this entry. Hahah.

When I first arrived, I found out that there was a facebook group for all the exchange students. Having not met anyone yet, I posted a short, simple message: "Hi I just arrived last night! What is everyone up to tonight?" or something along those lines. Almost immediately, I got facebook message replies, texts, and phone calls. "Wow", I thought, "These people are so nice!" And that is how I met one of my best friends here, Raman Khinda. :) Our friendship started off through a facebook message and then a night visit to Temple Street. Right away, I knew I would get along with her. We laughed about the same things, had the same values, and loved to shop! From the beginning of the semester, whenever I felt upset about anything, I would confide in her and no matter what the problem was, I always felt better afterwards. Thank you for being such a great friend, Raman! Our friendship has only grown since then. Sparknotes: Ugly pants, first night out 'til the MTR opened, late night talks at Queen Spa, crazy fun everywhere in Hong Kong, double dates, late night talks about everything, and only more to come. I expect nothing less than a life-long friendship!

My New York girls! I still remember when I first met these girls. Janice went away to Guangzhou, so I got to know Debbie first. I still remember our attempt to go running which failed miserably followed by our attempt to do an abs workout. Hahah! After being stabbed in the back by dry, spiky grass, we retreated to Debbie's room to do ab work, where my "leg lifts" sent me sliding across the room floor again and again. I remember you bringing me gummy bears when I got the stomach flu. I swear I threw up everything else, but those gummy bears did not fail :) Throughout the four months here, I have discovered we have so much in common! I think my favorite part about you, though, is your sense of humor. The way you says things, your reactions, and facial expressions are hilarious. There are quotes and pictures that I can look at and laugh for hours. We think along the same wavelength and I know I can always get honest feedback from you about anything and everything. We've had so many deep talks and I am SO comfortable around you (probably too comfortable). Hahah thank you for putting up with my cat noises, hearing impairment, and "blankness" LOL. I'm going to miss you (and your many different laughs, hahahh) so much!!!!! AHHH :( Sparknotes: Workout fail, sleepover, Newtown Mall, gym sessions, talks in the common room/your room, crazy nights out, Taiwan, Thailand, BUNGY JUMPING, so much FOOOD, and much more to come! You better keep in touchhh, <3

Janice Tsang. We have the same last name! I remember that is the first thing we said to each other, hahahh. I have gotten to know you so much better since then. When meeting new people, everyone is friendly and nice. You were genuine from the start! I still remember our first conversation in Park'n'Shop. Throughout the past four months, I have come to find out that you are one of the most considerate people I have ever met. No matter the situation or despite who you are closer to, you will stick up for what is right. I know you will always have my back! I loved our long conversations about our past lives and I feel like we bonded so much through those. We got so carried away by our conversations that we missed our MTR stop one time. Hahah I will never forget the times we spent in your room talking or our shopping trips in Newtown Mall. I def learned some haggling tips from you, you're a pro! You are so much fun to go out with! As long as you were there, I knew it was going to be a good night :) Can't wait to continue partying with you in New York when I come visit!!! I will miss you lots, but I know we will keep in touch. Sparknotes: newtown haggling, boba tea, lunch everyday at 1:30PM, long talks about ... ;) , so much more shopping, Philippines, Taiwan, Shenzhen, Thailand, and will continue in the States, I can't wait!

Darren Fung. We met over dim sum with a huge group of people, and I remember our first conversation was about the locals stealing your laundry basket. Little did we know, this was only the beginning of their thieving stories. Before we started hanging out one-on-one, I actually don't remember a single conversation with you haha. I don't think I actually started getting to know you until that one random night at Mr. Wong's. Then we bonded over ab-ripper x sessions, and then irony-irony-funny story. Too bad we didn't keep up with the gymming, we would of had some hardcore abs! Hahah the next relevant memory I have is when I got some sort of stomach flu and you made a huge effort making sure I was okay. I think it was then that I realized I wanted to spend more time with you as exchange went on. And I'm glad that happened :) I now know 100X more about Canada than I did before, eh? Sparknotes: dim-sum, ab-ripper x, Shenzhen (haha), Taiwan, rubik's cubes, Shanghai, funny dinner with tu madre, Philippines, Kayaking, Tuen Mun, etc. I hope as time wears on, we will only get closer. See you in Canada come August!

I know I have only mentioned a few people, even with those shout outs there is still so much more to say! If I wrote everything about everything about everyone, though, I would definitely fail my final tomorrow morning. Back to studying I go. A few last words. Everyone I met here has had a lasting impression on me. Some more than others, but I will never forget any of you! I will miss you all and if I ever travel anywhere near you guys, I will definitely make the effort to visit if you let me. Thank you for making the experience what it was: amazing. Love you all <3

I now have a new worry, though. How am I going to maintain the bonds that I have made with so many people here on exchange? My friend Cissy wrote a speech about this and made some very good points. Time will inevitably wear some friendships down, but it doesn't have to be that way. As I said before, I am a believer of mutual efforts. I know that I will keep in touch with those that I care about and I can only hope that they will return my efforts. I have learned a lot through my friendships in the past and I know that I will leave Hong Kong with friendships that will last a lifetime.

My friend Paris and I have been close friends since 4th grade! During our freshman year of high school, a new school was built and she had to move to it. After that, we didn't talk for almost two years because she got a new cell phone and I didn't have the number. As fate would have it, during my behind-the-wheel class, I had a bunch of South County girls in my class (they went to her new high school). I asked them if they knew her and they did! I got her new phone number from them, gave her a call, and we talked for hours as if we were never separated. We now attend the same college and she is still one of my closest friends.

My friend Aruna and I only see each other once or twice a year. We met in Governor's School the summer after our Junior year of high school. After spending every day together for an entire summer, and then only seeing each other so sporadically for the past few years, we have still remained super close and talk like nothing has ever changed.

I worried that I would become detached my my friends back home being so far away for so long, but we have skyped almost everyday and I feel just as close to every one of them as I did when I left. Can't wait to see you guys! So many summer birthdays to celebrate when I get home. :)

What I am trying to say with these examples is that I know it's going to be hard to stay in touch. We have come from all over the world to study in Hong Kong and are now leaving to go back to our respective hometowns. We won't be seeing each other everyday or talking everyday as we get back into our busy lives back home. But, if we each put in mutual efforts to keep in touch with one another, our friendships can and will last a lifetime. I know I will keep my end of the bargain and I hope you all do as well.

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