Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When Monkeys Attack...

A couple friends and I went hiking to Monkey Mountain this past Saturday, March 26. We had our trail all planned out, but finding it turned out to be quite difficult. After asking numerous people for directions, we decided to start our hike at Lion Rock Park. A park ranger gave us directions and we were off! 

Since we were hiking pretty high up, we got spectacular views of the city.

Lion Rock. Can you see the lion? :)

The largest marker in Hong Kong! Not sure what that means, but that's what the sign read. Picture worthy? hahah.

After hiking on a pretty vertical climb for about half an hour, we reached a clearing with several hiking paths branching from it. We took the one to Beacon Hill (more upward hiking), and then eventually ended up on a highway. We got slightly confused and took a short break. I guess someone noticed our confusion because this guy came up to us and said "Follow me." I asked him if he was headed to Monkey Mountain as well. He replied "No. Come, there is only one way" He then walked off on one of the hiking paths and we hesitantly followed him. Turns out, there was only one way. Hahaha.

We reached Monkey Mountain! Upon entering monkey territory, we were greeted by so many warning signs! It is apparently illegal to feed monkeys. Also, don't stare at them. LOL

We found our first monkey! We followed this guy for awhile and watched as he stopped to dig to the side of the trail. I'm pretty sure he signaled all his monkey friends because before we knew it, we were surrounded and outnumbered.

We were unprepared for what happened next. My friend was eating a bag of dried craisens and this three-legged monkey hobbled up to her (it was mighty quick for only having 3 legs) and snatched it out of her hands! It proceeded to stuffing its face until the bag was empty. Then, we looked around and the monkeys were everywhere! There was a monkey right next to my leg and for some reason another monkey decided to tackle it. I screamed, it was so scary! Then, the monkeys blocked our path screeching at us to give them food. We repeatedly told them "we don't have anything!" to no avail (duh, they don't understand us). Finally, the guys ran past them. My friend Debbie and I were still behind the 3 legged thug monkey. She walked past it and it scratched her leg! I was so scared. Now, I was the only one left behind and everyone was telling me it was okay for me to cross. I was frozen, I couldn't move! Finally, my friend Mike had to come get me hahah. They followed us for awhile longer and then realized we were not going to give them food and left.

The best part is my friend caught everything on video. I'll show you all later, it's hilarious.

This is the 3-legged thug monkey gobbling craisens. Smh... what a bully!

We had to arm ourselves after that. Everyone carried a water bottle or a stick, ready for battle :P

Fat monkey that dropped berries on our heads!

 These guys are smart! They even know how to use trash cans 0_o

Momma Monkey and her baby! ^

So many baby monkeys in the trees! The one in the picture above was my favorite. So cute! :)

So many monkeys. I never thought I would be scared of monkeys until today. They were pretty cool, though. Survived a monkey attack, woohoo! Can cross that off my bucket list. ;)


  1. by the way, monkeys don't have three legs, they have two legs and two arms. silly goose.

  2. so I said I would comment and I'm following through.

    Like I've said soooo many times I love how descriptive you are. When you were talking about the monkeys actually attacking I could imagine a hilarious scene. ahh good times reading your blog..

    I love the pictures btw
