Friday, January 21, 2011

Hong Kong Shopping

After dim sum, we walked to an indoor marketplace. I took more pictures during the walk.

It was similar to a U.S. shopping mall, but then not at the same time.

There were a lot of make up stands. I learned that make up and appearance is a big thing for girls here. Girls before and afer they get ready look like completely different people, it's crazy! Eyeliner is a big thing, fake eyelashes and mascara, and (this is the most interesting part) they wear contacts that make their pupils look bigger! Apparently those contacts make their eyes appear larger, and, therefore, prettier by Hong Kong standards. Interesting. My great aunt assumed I was wearing special contacts as well, haha. She was surprised when I told her that I wasn't and that my eyes were actually brown. Most people in Hong Kong have dark brown eyes that blend in with the Iris so it all looks dark and black.
Check out the difference it makes, weird!

At the lower level of the marketplace there was a gorgeous stage that HK celebrities sometimes perform on.

 From left: Me, My Great Aunt Seven, Wai Ting, My Aunt Joanne
Sales people here are very aggressive. When they're sure you won't buy from them, they give you dirty looks and yell at you that you missed out on a deal. How rude! I'm glad my family was with me as I shopped around. Otherwise, I'd be overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the whole thing. I also learned that politeness in general is kind of rare here. My family told me I didn't have to say "sorry" or "excuse me" every time I bumped into someone. It just happened too often, and of course I never got a response back, haha. Since there are so many people in HK, people cut each other off all the time, which I wasn't used to. I kept waiting for people to let me walk, but then I learned my lesson. I need to work on being less polite to fit in, hahah.

After a successful shopping trip (I bought a comforter, pillow, and shampoo), we went to dinner. By this point, I was falling asleep! Stupid jetlag. Dinner was delicious, yum. 

See Lauren, look how good I am at keeping up with this blog :)


  1. try the make up and take a picture!

  2. I'm loving this! sonam just mentioned tht you updated and i was checking it out. damn girl, you could have a future in blogging, you've kept me interested in all these posts!

    I like the pictures added in, it really gives me a clearer point of view

  3. Thanks Joe! :) I'm definitely going to keep up with this blog to remember what I did for myself, if nothing else. I'm glad my friends and family are actually reading it!
